July 27, 2012

Jonathan Splashing in the Puddles

Jonathan's Shot

I put Colette & Jonathan Up-Top-The-Fridge, they felt cool at first, 
but very quickly got scared and cried,
this was the only shot I got, 
before having to swoop them back to solid ground. MAY 2011.

Lily's Princess Birthday Party in Tooele, UTAH AUG. 2010

Colette, Elisa, Lily & Sucker

Nicolle, Lily, Colette

Daddy's Delivered Princess Balloons

Last Three Taken by Elisa Ashton, including Jamie's Girls

Face-painting-Mom-Extr'ordinare-Nicolle, captivating Lily, Colette, Jonathan

Jessica's Daughter, Eva

I love you Lily! &! It was such a fun Princess Birthday Party! 

UT AUG 012

It's been awhile since I've posted, but I've managed to have a lot of family in my life, back N forth, far and distant, beautiful and lively, always growing; my life would be dull without my blessed family.
I hope you feel like you shared these moments with me. 

No a podido poner fotos nuevas, hasta ahora, pero a tenidio mucho tiempo con mucha de la familia, por alli-por alla, cerca o distante, bella y llena de vida, siempre creciendo; mi vida seria muy triste sin mi bendida familia. Espero que sientes que estabas alli con mi. 

Colette- UTAH Aug. 2010


Cammy, Nicolle, Colette, Jonathan

Scottie, Caden