December 22, 2007

I got lots of cute pictures from this day...
I'll just post them later... maybe.

This didn't turn out as good as I had hoped...
but it was such a sweet moment...
I helped Eva and Ethan build a fort with blankets,
and then on her own, Eva was reading a book
while Ethan gave her light wit his "phash-wight."

December 07, 2007

I don't feel like these are so great... in terms of editing...
but I'm really not inspired as of this will have to do for now...
plus, I really wanted too share how precious and how much etiquette baby Lily has...

Gosh, I've been so negligent with this blog...
I posted this, along with some older pictures that I converted to b & w,
all on my flickr.
But yeh, I'm gonna work on just a few that I took of Lily
over thanksgiving...
I was going to, a long time ago, but for some reason
got discouraged...